Lab Management Systems

From Paper to Cloud

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Over the years, the dental laboratory industry has seen remarkable transformations.

From traditional methods requiring meticulous manual work to the adoption of cutting-edge technology, the journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.

At the heart of this transformation lies the lab management system (LMS)—a tool that has redefined how dental labs operate, enhancing efficiency, communication, and overall productivity.

As a dental technician or lab owner, you know how crucial it is to have a reliable system that not only meets your needs today but also adapts to the ever-changing demands of the industry.

In this edition of DentalLabTips, we’ll take you on a journey through the history, evolution, and future trends of LMS.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or someone who prefers simpler times, this overview will shed light on where we’ve been, where we’re going, and how you can stay ahead of the curve.

Early Days of Lab Management

Before the advent of specialized software, dental labs were run manually—a process that, while effective, came with its fair share of challenges.

Lab owners relied on paper records, handwritten notes, and basic spreadsheets to track orders, manage inventory, and communicate with clients.

This manual approach often led to errors, miscommunication, and inefficiencies that hampered productivity.

Recognizing the need for a more streamlined process, the first generation of lab management software began to emerge in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

These early systems were rudimentary by today’s standards but revolutionary at the time.

They introduced features like digital record-keeping, basic scheduling, and rudimentary order tracking.

One of the pioneers in this space was LabNet, the first LMS to gain widespread adoption globally.

LabNet set the stage for what was to come, offering labs a glimpse of the potential that technology could bring.

Despite its limitations, it represented a significant leap forward from the days of paper-based management, laying the foundation for future innovations.

Evolution of LMS

As the dental industry continued to grow, so did the demands placed on lab management systems.

The early 2000s marked a period of rapid evolution, with several new players entering the market and pushing the boundaries of what LMS could do.

LabManager and EasyRx were among the systems that gained popularity during this time.

LabManager offered a more user-friendly interface and introduced features like comprehensive reporting and advanced scheduling tools, making it easier for labs to manage their day-to-day operations.

EasyRx, on the other hand, specialises in digital prescription management, allowing labs to seamlessly handle orders from dentists, reducing errors and improving turnaround times.

One of the most notable systems to emerge during this period was LabStar.

Known for its robust features and customizable interface, LabStar quickly became a favourite among dental labs.

It offered an all-in-one solution, combining order management, invoicing, and customer communication into a single platform. LabStar’s success was driven by its ability to adapt to the unique needs of each lab, providing a level of flexibility that was unmatched at the time.

However, as technology advanced, so did customer expectations.

The rise of cloud computing and the demand for more integrated solutions led to the development of cloud-based LMS, which offered enhanced accessibility, security, and scalability.

Systems like MagicTouch and Dentech capitalized on this trend, allowing labs to manage their operations from anywhere, at any time.

The acquisition of LabStar by 3Shape, a large corporation known for its digital dentistry solutions, was a significant milestone in the industry.

While this acquisition promised to bring innovations and integrations, it also led to dissatisfaction among many long-time LabStar users.

The shift in focus towards corporate goals and the changes in customer service left some labs feeling overlooked and underappreciated.

This dissatisfaction created an opportunity for newer, more agile systems like GreatLab to step in and fill the void.

Today, the LMS market is more dynamic than ever, with new features and technologies continually reshaping the landscape.

The demand for cloud-based systems continues to grow, driven by the need for flexibility and remote access.

Cloud-based LMS not only offer real-time updates and data synchronization but also ensures that your data is secure and easily accessible from any device.

Another major trend is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation into lab management systems.

AI-powered features, such as predictive analytics and automated scheduling, are helping labs optimize their workflows, reduce errors, and improve turnaround times.

Automation is streamlining repetitive tasks, freeing up technicians to focus on more complex and value-added activities.

The rise of integrated systems is also noteworthy.

Today’s labs demand systems that can seamlessly connect with other software, such as CAD/CAM systems, accounting software, and communication tools. This integration reduces the need for manual data entry, ensures consistency across platforms, and improves overall efficiency.

However, not all trends have been positive.

The acquisition of LabStar by 3Shape, while initially promising, has led to dissatisfaction among many users. The transition brought about changes that didn’t sit well with all customers, leading to concerns about the system’s future direction and the level of support available.

This has created a gap in the market—one that GreatLab is eager to fill.

GreatLab, built on a foundation of user feedback and a commitment to continuous improvement, offers a refreshing alternative.

Unlike larger, more corporate systems, GreatLab remains agile and responsive to the needs of dental labs.

With a focus on ease of use, robust features, and exceptional customer support, GreatLab is well-positioned to meet the demands of today’s labs while also anticipating the needs of tomorrow.

A Leap into the future

As we look to the future, it’s clear that lab management systems will continue to evolve, driven by advancements in technology and changing industry demands.

The future of LMS will likely involve even greater levels of automation, with AI playing an increasingly important role in decision-making and workflow optimization.

We can also expect to see more personalized and customizable systems, allowing labs to tailor their LMS to their specific needs.

The emphasis will be on flexibility, ensuring that labs can adapt quickly to changes in the industry without being bogged down by outdated software.

Moreover, the importance of customer support and community engagement cannot be overstated.

As the industry becomes more competitive, labs will gravitate towards systems that not only offer cutting-edge features but also provide reliable, responsive support.

Systems like GreatLab, which prioritize user experience and continuous improvement, are poised to lead the way in this new era of lab management.

Why Choose GreatLab?

In a crowded market, choosing the right lab management system can be a daunting task.

So why should you consider GreatLab? The answer lies in our commitment to you, the user.

At GreatLab, we believe that the best systems are built on a foundation of user feedback and continuous improvement. We’ve designed our platform to be intuitive, flexible, and feature-rich—everything you need to run a successful dental lab.

What sets GreatLab apart is our dedication to customer satisfaction. We understand that every lab is unique, and we’ve built our system to adapt to your specific needs.

Whether you’re looking for advanced reporting, seamless integrations, or top-notch customer support, GreatLab has you covered.

If you’re tired of being just another customer in a large corporation’s portfolio, it’s time to explore what GreatLab has to offer. Request a demo today and see for yourself how we can help take your lab to the next level.


The history of lab management systems is a testament to the power of innovation and the importance of staying ahead of the curve.

As the industry continues to evolve, it’s crucial to choose a system that not only meets your current needs but also prepares you for the future.

GreatLab is here to help you navigate this journey.

With our focus on flexibility, innovation, and customer support, we’re confident that we can help your lab thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Don’t just take our word for it—request a demo and discover the GreatLab difference today.

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