Should I stay or should I go?!

Career Guide

Should I stay or Should I go?
Career Guide

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Did you know that in our field, the average tenure at one workplace is about four and a half years?

It's an interesting statistic, isn't it?

But sometimes, that itch for change isn't just a passing fancy; it's a sign that it might be time to explore new horizons.

This week we’ll help you understand if you’re happy working in your lab. We’ll also give you some “time-to-move-on” signs to look out for and if you do decide to start navigating the job hunt, we’ll hand out some practical tips.

Am I in a good place? 🌍️ 

There are 6 signs that you are thriving as a Dental Technician:

Sunday Night Serenity: If you’re a dental technician who enjoys a stress-free Sunday evening, not dreading the week ahead, you’re likely content in your workplace.

It’s a sign you’re comfortable with your role, your colleagues, and the tasks that await you.

Career Progression: As a dental technician, do you see opportunities for advancement?

Whether it’s specialising in a particular area or moving into a supervisory role, having a clear career path can significantly boost your job satisfaction.

Respectful Management: A good manager respects your skills, time, and work-life balance.

They understand the intricacies of your role as a dental technician and provide the support you need to excel.

Engaging Work: As a dental technician, your work should be challenging and engaging.

If you find yourself constantly watching the clock, it might be time to seek more complex tasks or consider further training to expand your skills.

Learning Opportunities: The field of dental technology is always evolving.

If your workplace offers opportunities for continuous learning, such as courses or seminars, it’s a sign you’re in a place that values growth and development.

Open Communication: A positive workplace culture encourages open communication.

If you feel comfortable discussing issues or suggesting improvements, it’s a sign of a healthy work environment.

Time to move on

But how do I know my lab doesn’t tick the boxes?

Here are some telltale signs that it could be the right moment to consider new opportunities:

Career Stagnation: Have you been on the same bench for what feels like forever?

If there's no room for growth or advancement in your current role, it might be time to seek a lab that can offer you new challenges and opportunities to expand your skills.

Toxic Work Environment: Despite our passion for crafting perfect smiles, a negative workplace culture can quickly sour our enthusiasm.

If office drama and discontent are overshadowing your love for the craft, it could be worth exploring a more positive environment.

Flexibility Frustration: As dental lab professionals, we understand the importance of precision and dedication.

But life isn't always predictable, and sometimes we need flexibility from our workplace. If your current lab isn't accommodating your needs, it might be worth exploring options that offer a better work-life balance.

Daily Dread: Does the thought of another day at the lab fill you with dread?

It's natural to have occasional work worries, but if those worries have become a constant companion, it might be a sign that it's time for a change.

Find your path

Ok, you are ready…..

You've realised your current dental lab feels more like a dental drab, huh? No worries! Here's your game plan for finding greener pastures:

Consider Continuing Education: Sometimes, expanding your skill set can open doors to new opportunities.

Whether it's mastering the latest CAD/CAM technology or becoming proficient in a specialised technique, investing in your professional development can enhance your marketability.

Reflect and Recharge: Take a breather and reflect on what you want in your next gig.

What aspects of your current job are driving you bonkers? What do you crave in a workplace?

Knowing what you want is the first step to finding it!

Update Your Arsenal: Polish up that resume and LinkedIn profile like a pro!

Highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements. Don't forget to sprinkle in some personality – let your potential employers see the awesome human behind the dental wizardry.

Tap Into Your Network: Time to activate your dental grapevine!

Reach out to colleagues, mentors, and industry pals.

Let them know you're on the lookout for new opportunities. You never know – your next job lead might come from a casual chat over coffee.

Scout the Scene: Dive into job boards, company websites, and dental forums like a detective on a mission.

Keep your eyes peeled for openings that match your skills and career goals. Bookmark the juicy ones and get ready to pounce!

Craft Killer Applications: When you find a gig that makes your heart flutter, don't hold back!

Tailor your application to showcase why you're the dental dynamo they've been dreaming of.

Inject some personality, sprinkle in your magic, and hit send like a boss!

Ace the Interviews: Time to dazzle 'em with your charm and expertise!

Prepare for interviews like you're prepping for a dental masterpiece.

Practice your responses, research the company, and don't forget to smile – you got this!

Negotiate Like a Pro: When you land that dream offer, don't be afraid to negotiate like a boss!

Know your worth and advocate for what you deserve.

Whether it's salary, benefits, or extra vacation days – stand tall and speak up!

Embrace the Adventure: Remember, every job change is a chance to grow and evolve.

Embrace the journey with open arms and a dash of excitement.

Who knows? Your next gig might just be the dental paradise you've been dreaming of!

In conclusion, job satisfaction is crucial, especially in a demanding field like dental technology.

If you find that your current role checks all the boxes, you’re likely in a good place.

If not, consider what changes could improve your work experience, whether it’s seeking additional training, requesting more challenging tasks, or even exploring opportunities in a new workplace.

So, fellow dental lab maestros, if any of these signs resonate with you, don't hesitate to take action.

Your career journey is yours to shape, and there's a world of opportunities waiting for you out there.

Until next time, keep smiling and crafting those perfect restorations!

Extra Resources Roundup

  • Are you in a Happy Work Environment? (Article)

  • A tribute to dental technicians (DTL)

  • Lab Software to manage and grow ( HERE )

  • Signs of toxic workplace (Techtarget)

  • What does it take to be a technician? (DentalInstitute)

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