The Labour Shortage in Dental Labs

And How Do We Fight Back

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Let’s jump straight into it and address the elephant in the room – the skilled labour shortage in dental labs.

If you’ve been hunting for talented dental technicians and feel like you’re searching for a unicorn, you’re not alone.

We’re in the middle of a skilled labour drought, and it’s impacting everyone from lab owners to techs who are already wearing too many hats.

With fewer new technicians entering the field and many experienced ones retiring, labs are struggling to keep up with demand.

This shortage affects not only the labs but also the broader dental industry, impacting patient care and clinic efficiency.

However, there are ways to combat this crisis, from implementing training programmes to leveraging new technologies.

Key Takeaways

  • The dental lab industry is experiencing a significant shortage of skilled technicians, impacting overall productivity and patient care.

  • Apprenticeships and training programmes are essential to bringing new talent into the field and ensuring long-term solutions to the labour shortage.

  • Technological advancements, such as digital tools and 3D printing, can help mitigate the impact of the labour shortage by streamlining production processes.

  • Innovative recruitment strategies and continuous education are crucial for building a sustainable workforce in the dental lab industry.

  • Success stories from labs that have effectively implemented training programmes and technology show that these strategies can lead to significant improvements.

The Skilled Labor Crisis – It’s Real, Folks

Understanding the Dental Lab Technicians’ Shortage

If you’ve noticed your lab is feeling a little... understaffed these days, you’re not imagining things.

The dental industry is in the middle of a skilled labour crisis, and we’re all feeling the pinch. A lot of experienced technicians are ageing out of the workforce, and we’re not seeing enough fresh faces ready to pick up the dental drill.

This shortage puts pressure on dental labs to meet the growing demand for dental services.

The shortage of dental technicians is not just a minor inconvenience; it's a significant issue that affects the entire industry.

With fewer technicians available, dental labs struggle to keep up with the workload, leading to delays and increased costs.

What does this mean for you?

Delays in production, higher workloads, and seriously tired teams.

You may also notice some techs taking on roles they weren’t trained for (yep, we see you trying to master CAD software after lunch... hang in there).

Without new talent to take the reins, the pressure’s on to find creative ways to keep production running smoothly.

For dental lab owners and managers, this shortage means higher running costs and the need for more efficient management strategies.

Implementing performance-based incentives and conducting workload analysis can help optimise staffing.

However, the shortage also means that labs must be more creative in their recruitment efforts, targeting non-traditional sources like art students and nail technicians.

The Broader Impact on the Dental Industry

The shortage of dental technicians has a ripple effect on the broader dental industry.

It affects everything from the quality of dental prosthetics to the speed at which patients receive their dental appliances.

This shortage is a harbinger of the struggles the rest of the dental industry will increasingly confront.

As the workforce continues to decline, the pressure on existing technicians will only grow, making it essential to find long-term solutions to this pressing issue.

Apprenticeships & Training Programs

Alright, let’s talk solutions.

If finding experienced technicians feels like a never-ending game of Where’s Waldo, maybe it’s time to start building your own crew from scratch.

Apprenticeships and training programs could be the secret sauce your lab needs.

Bringing in fresh talent, training them up, and moulding them into the skilled technicians your lab deserves doesn’t have to be a headache.

In fact, it can be an investment in your lab’s future.

Plus, once they’re trained to your standards, they’ll know the workflow inside and out.

The Role of Apprenticeships in Addressing the Shortage

Apprenticeships are a practical solution to the dental lab technician shortage.

They offer a hands-on learning experience, allowing trainees to earn while they learn.

For instance, Rego's lab offers an apprenticeship at $1000 a month, attracting several applicants.

This approach not only helps in skill development but also ensures a steady influx of new talent into the industry.

Training Programmes: A Long-Term Solution

Training programmes provide a structured path for individuals to gain the necessary skills to become proficient dental lab technicians.

These programmes often include both theoretical and practical components, ensuring a well-rounded education.

Consider partnering with local schools or offering on-the-job training to high-potential candidates.

You might even think about creating a mentorship program where seasoned technicians can pass on their knowledge before they retire to that beach in Florida.

You’ve got the experience, now share it!

Not sure where to start? There are plenty of dental associations that offer guidelines for creating apprenticeship programs, and it’s definitely worth checking them out.

The NADL, for example, collaborates with various providers to offer a 1-year programme focused on digital workflow, which is crucial in today's tech-driven industry.

Your future team will thank you.

Success Stories from the Field

There are numerous success stories that highlight the effectiveness of apprenticeships and training programmes.

For example, Rego has successfully employed graduates from Pasadena City College and continues to train them through internships.

Such initiatives not only help labs attract and retain new talent but also ensure that the workforce is well-equipped to meet industry demands.

Investing in apprenticeships and training programmes is essential for the future of the dental lab industry. These initiatives not only address the current labour shortage but also pave the way for a more skilled and sustainable workforce.

Tech to the Rescue – How GreatLab Can Help

Okay, so let’s be real – while we’re building the next generation of techs, we need some immediate solutions to keep things from falling apart.

Here’s where technology steps in. (Cue dramatic music.)

As a dental lab technician and co-founder of GreatLab, I know how crazy things can get when you’re juggling too many tasks. That’s why we built GreatLab – to help labs manage their workflow, streamline production, and keep things moving even when you’re short-staffed.

GreatLab is your digital lab manager who helps with tracking orders, managing deadlines, and keeping everyone on the same page.

So, while you’re finding and training new talent, why not let GreatLab handle the details?

You can stay focused on the things only a human can do (like making the perfect crown), and leave the busy work to us.

Leveraging Digital Tools to Mitigate the Shortage

The dental lab industry is facing a significant shortage of skilled technicians.

However, digital tools can help bridge this gap.

By using advanced technologies like 3D printers and digital milling machines, labs can streamline their processes and reduce the need for highly skilled manual labour.

For instance, one technician can handle the scanning and design, while another focuses on hands-on tasks like staining and glazing.

This division of labour not only makes the job easier but also helps in retaining employees by offering them a clear path for career development.

Looking Forward

The future of dental labs looks promising with the integration of digital solutions.

Labs can now send files back and forth with ease, regardless of geographical location.

This flexibility allows for remote work opportunities, making the profession more attractive to a younger, tech-savvy generation.

Moreover, the use of digital tools can lead to faster turnaround times and higher-quality restorations, benefiting both the lab and the patients.

Case Studies: Success with Technology

Several labs have already seen success by adopting digital technologies.

For example, some labs have moved from traditional denture fabrication to using Dentuvo Digital Print 3D-printed dentures, which offer twice the fracture strength of traditional materials.

This not only improves the quality of the final product but also allows less-skilled technicians to be involved in the production process.

Another lab has successfully recruited individuals with basic computer skills and trained them to handle digital design tasks, thereby mitigating the shortage of experienced technicians.

Future-Proofing te Dental Lab Industry

Innovative Recruitment Strategies

To face the future, dental labs need to rethink how they hire new talent.

Creative recruiting can bring in people from different backgrounds, not just those with dental experience.

For example, hiring individuals with computer skills and training them in dental restoration can be very effective.

This approach helps labs redefine what a lab technician is and can be a game-changer in addressing the labour shortage.

The Importance of Continuous Education

Continuous education is crucial for keeping up with new technologies and methods.

Labs should invest in in-house training programmes to educate employees from outside the industry.

This not only helps in filling the current gaps but also ensures that the workforce is well-prepared for future challenges.

Training should cover everything from digital design to running mills and printers.

Building a Sustainable Workforce

Building a sustainable workforce involves more than just hiring and training.

It requires a strategic approach to transition experienced technicians from traditional roles to digital ones.

This can be done by gradually moving work digitally, focusing on smaller client segments initially.

By doing so, labs can ensure that production does not falter during the transition.

The future of dental labs is digital, and embracing this change is essential for long-term success. Labs that invest in research and development and innovative technologies are seen as future-proof.

By focusing on these strategies, dental labs can not only survive but thrive in the face of ongoing challenges.

Tired of feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind?

Check out GreatLab, the all-in-one management tool designed by dental techs for dental techs.

Schedule a demo today and see how it can help streamline your workflow, manage your team, and reduce stress.

Trust me – your future self will thank you.


The labour shortage in dental labs is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach.

By embracing digital technology, labs can streamline their processes and make better use of their existing workforce.

Training programmes, both in-house and through partnerships with educational institutions, can help bring new talent into the field.

Additionally, creative recruitment strategies and flexible work arrangements can attract individuals from diverse backgrounds.

While the challenges are significant, the opportunities for innovation and growth in the dental lab industry are equally substantial.

By taking proactive steps, labs can not only survive but thrive in this evolving landscape.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is causing the shortage of dental lab technicians?

The shortage is due to fewer accredited training programmes and many experienced technicians retiring. The demand for dental services is also increasing, making the shortage more noticeable.

How does the shortage of technicians affect dental labs?

With fewer technicians, dental labs struggle to keep up with the workload. This can lead to delays in producing dental products and increased stress on existing staff.

Can technology help solve the technician shortage?

Yes, digital tools like 3D printing and CAD/CAM systems can speed up production and make it easier to train new technicians, even those without a dental background.

What are apprenticeships and training programmes?

Apprenticeships and training programmes provide hands-on experience and education for new technicians. They are essential for building a skilled workforce and addressing the shortage.

Are there any success stories of labs overcoming the shortage?

Yes, some labs have successfully transitioned to digital workflows and trained new technicians from non-dental backgrounds, improving efficiency and production.

What can be done to attract more people to become dental lab technicians?

Offering competitive wages, flexible hours, and innovative training programmes can make the profession more attractive. Raising awareness about the role and its importance also helps.

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