Workflow Efficiency in Your Lab

8 Quick Tips

8 Quick Tips

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We’ve all been there.

You’ve got a mountain of cases piling up, clients breathing down your neck, and you’re scrambling to keep track of orders.

Sound familiar? Well, you're not alone.

Dental labs often face the challenge of maintaining high-quality work while managing tight deadlines.

The good news is, with a few smart adjustments, you can streamline your workflow and kiss those chaotic days goodbye.

Let’s dive into some practical tips to help you improve efficiency and boost productivity in your dental lab.

1. Automate, Automate, Automate!

Repeat after me: "Automation is my friend."

Seriously, if you’re not leveraging automation in your lab, you’re missing out.

Repetitive tasks, like data entry, order tracking, and invoicing, are massive time sinks.

This is where a Laboratory Management System (LMS) like GreatLab comes in.

GreatLab is designed to take the pain out of daily management tasks. You can automate almost everything – from generating invoices to tracking cases through their different stages.

Case gone missing? Not anymore.

By automating workflow steps and using barcode scanning, you get instant updates on where an order is and what’s been done.

No more manual tracking or missed deadlines.

Pro Tip:

Start small by automating a few key tasks first, like invoicing or case tracking. Once you see how much time it saves, expand to other areas of your workflow.

2. Get Serious About Time Management

Here’s the truth: most inefficiencies are rooted in poor time management.

Maybe it's the never-ending email chains with dentists or the unscheduled staff meetings that derail your day.

Whatever the cause, the solution is simple—structure.

To begin with, plan your day.

Break down large projects into smaller tasks and assign them to specific team members.

Then, set time limits. For example, don’t let your staff spend more than 30 minutes troubleshooting a fit issue before escalating it.

Tip: Utilise scheduling tools and calendars to block out specific times for different tasks.

Tools like GreatLab have built-in scheduling features that allow you to manage case deadlines and assign work to technicians without confusion.

Real-life Example:

A dental lab I worked with implemented time blocking, dedicating an hour each morning just to handle priority-tagged orders.

Not only did this prevent disruptions during the day, but it also gave them clarity on the rest of the workload.

3. Train Your Team Frequently

You can have the most advanced equipment in the world, but if your team doesn’t know how to use it properly, it’s useless.

Regular staff training is essential for improving workflow efficiency.

Make it a habit to hold short training sessions at least once a month.

This is especially important when you introduce new equipment or software.

When staff members are comfortable with the tools they’re using, they’ll work faster and make fewer errors.


Incorporate cross-training into your routine. Teach your staff to be versatile so that when one technician is out, another can step in without missing a beat.

A lab that operates as a well-oiled machine never relies too heavily on one person for any specific task.

Bonus Tip:

Document everything. Having a manual or video tutorial on hand ensures that everyone has quick access to important procedures without disrupting the workflow.

4. Standardize Processes

If every technician in your lab has their own way of doing things, you’re probably facing inconsistencies in quality and time spent on tasks.

Standardization is the key to reducing errors and boosting efficiency. Set up protocols for every stage of production, from receiving the case to the final quality check.

These processes should be clear and consistent across the board.

Tip: Standardizing doesn’t mean losing flexibility. It means you’ve established a reliable baseline, so if things go off track, you know exactly how to fix them.

GreatLab can help here, too.

You can create custom automation and workflows that guide your team step-by-step through each stage, ensuring nothing is missed.

This is especially useful for complex cases like multi-stage implants, where each step depends on the previous one being done correctly.

Real-life Fact:

Labs that standardised their workflows saw a 20-30% reduction in errors, especially in critical areas like margin finishing and contacts.

5. Leverage the Right Software

If you’re still managing your cases with paper and spreadsheets, it’s time for an upgrade.

Modern labs rely on robust software to manage everything from case tracking to billing.

Tools like GreatLab offer comprehensive solutions that simplify these tasks, giving you more time to focus on production.

With GreatLab, you can keep track of every single case from the moment it enters the lab until it's delivered back to the client.

You get real-time updates on production stages, and with its multi-stage management feature, you can streamline complex cases with ease.

Another great feature? Automated billing.

Let’s face it, no one likes sitting down at the end of the month to manually calculate and send invoices.

GreatLab does that for you with full integration with systems like Xero, QuickBooks, and Sage.

It even notifies clients when their bills are due!

Call to Action:

Want to improve your lab’s workflow and take the stress out of managing cases? Check out GreatLab and get started with a free demo today.

Your future self will thank you.

6. Keep Communication Clear and Simple

Here’s a fun fact: miscommunication is one of the leading causes of inefficiency in dental labs.

You’d be surprised how much time gets wasted on back-and-forth emails, phone calls, and clarifying case details.

And let’s not even mention those “urgent” voicemails asking about case updates.

One solution is to streamline communication.

Set clear expectations with dentists from the beginning and use a centralized platform (like the GreatLab client portal) to manage orders and questions.

Dentists can log in, check the status of their cases, and get answers without needing to call you every five minutes.

Tip: Establish communication protocols with your team as well.

Use messaging apps like Slack to avoid interrupting technicians during work hours. Have set times for updates and questions to keep everyone on the same page without the constant distractions.

Real-life Example:

One lab reduced client emails by 40% simply by having a portal where dentists could track case progress and order statuses themselves.

7. Embrace Lean Manufacturing Principles

Lean manufacturing isn’t just for car companies—it works in dental labs, too.

The goal is to reduce waste (both in materials and time) and focus only on what adds value.

In a dental lab, this might mean analyzing your production flow and identifying bottlenecks.

Are there steps where cases sit idle for too long? Are technicians frequently waiting for supplies or tools?

Fixing these gaps can lead to huge efficiency gains.

Tip: Conduct a “waste audit” in your lab. Identify any processes that don’t directly add value to the final product and look for ways to eliminate or streamline them.

8. Use Metrics to Measure Success

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

To really understand how well your lab is performing, you need to track key metrics, like turnaround time, error rates, and case profitability.

Software like GreatLab makes this easy by automatically generating reports on your lab’s performance.

These insights can help you identify weak points in your workflow and make data-driven decisions about where to improve.

Tip: Regularly review your lab’s performance data and share it with your team. Transparency fosters accountability and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.

In Conclusion

Improving workflow efficiency in your dental lab doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

By automating tasks, training your team, and leveraging the right tools like GreatLab, you can streamline operations, reduce errors, and ultimately boost your bottom line.

Remember: a well-organized lab is a productive lab, and productivity leads to profit.

Now, go forth and optimize your workflow like a boss!

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